Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving on

Yesterday was terrible.  It was one for the record books. I guess that we will have days like this (my momma said.) I guess you have to take the good with the bad, so that you appreciate the good, and life has been very good to us lately.

Grant wanted to do nothing, but nurse, and there was no consoling him without it. It made for a very long day. I was exhausted from being up late Saturday night, and feeling stressed and emotional. I so desperately wanted to check-in to a sleep coma for several hours. It wasn't going to happen though.

Brandon really tried to let me sleep in, but Preston wanted no parts of sharing his dear old dad with his brother, so he came in and watched some Care Bears while I laid in bed with my eyes closed so he wouldn't ask why about everything that happened. Real attentive, I know. Then the other two boys joined us because (surprise) Grant wanted to nurse. Once he was finally content, we took a short nap, and then we went to a cookout for Granddaddy and Brandon's birthdays. I think we may have been throwing Father's Day in there as well. I don't know that I saw anyone there. Grant nursed as soon as we got there for I don't know how long, but it felt like forever. Then I scarfed down my food, and he was passed around trying to get him to sleep so he wouldn't think he was hungry. This is our new game.

Last week's game was crossing our fingers hoping the garage door would open. That is another story though!

Once we got home Grant and I had more quality time, then I shoved him off on Brandon and hid out in the bedroom. Brandon managed to get him to sleep. I tried to sleep, but couldn't, I had reached the point of no return. There was no hope for me, so I gave up.

By the end of the day, Grant had blown through three bottles like it didn't take me 20 bazillion pumping sessions to get. I tried not to be emotional about the fact that he is hungrier than I can provide, but it is hard to put things into perspective when you are overly tired. Today I am feeling a little more sane, and feeling less stressed about things, and guess what? He is sitting in the swing by himself.

Yes, my one month old babe is content and happy. And asleep. Before I put him there though, I took this picture before he gets anymore rolls so we will always remember how little and skinny he was. He has already grown so much though. I hate that it took me a month to get this picture of my little frog. Happy one month birthday, Grant!

1 comment:

  1. hugs Brooke I have been there many times and I am here if you EVER want to talk!


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