Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Limits

Grant is thisclose to walking. He wants to do it. He will stand at a table, and stttrrrreeeech his arm out behind him and then sit down. It is right around the corner. so is his birthday. I love celebrating these boys. I have changed my ways with this party though, I will not be rushing around last minute buying everything in sight! Pinterest has helped, too!

We had our first T-ball game last night. It was sad. Preston has been testing us lately, and he decided not to eat his dinner last night. He didn't get to play. He had to sit on the blanket and watch everyone else. My heart broke for him, and I wanted to scoop him up and make it okay, as he sat at the table and cried because he couldn't play. He is trying so hard to push the line of acceptable behavior, and we are working hard to stand our ground.

Hopefully we find a balance soon.

We did have a good time earlier in the afternoon. The Wall That Heals rolled pass our town last night. I found out that they would have an entrance like no other, so I loaded the boys up and we sat in the back of the car with our flags, and waited. It was worth it. We watched a full seven minutes of motorcycles beep, wave, salute as they roared by. Both boys sat in awe. Preston is looking forward to going to see this mini replica of the real deal. His grandad is going to take him, and hopefully teach him a little bit about what The Wall means, and why it is so important. He should know, he was there.

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On a lighter note, we have been blessed with some warm days. We filled the kiddie pool, and Preston did his best to to convince Grant that he wanted to join him.

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Grant is a smartie, and stayed skeptical.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012


As I sat last night working on party things for an upcoming birthday, I realized Preston has finally gotten what he has been (sometimes) patiently waiting for. They had a football that Preston was tossing back and forth in the house, and they would both chase it, laughing the whole way. Grant never got within a foot of the ball, but he was so happy to be included in his big brother's game. It made my heart happy.

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Spring break was a whirl-wind of fun. We started with a birthday party at the zoo, on an especially chilly day. It was so fun to see Preston checking out all the animals. The last time we went to the National Zoo, he was only two and this time, he was eager to learn about the animals. He talked about the tiger and lion all the way there, but seemed most excited to see the anteater.

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This is his attempt at sitting like a gorilla.

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After the zoo, we made the trek to Richmond to see my mom run in a race, that I was very sad to sit back and watch. I am still dealing with ankle issues, but that's another story.

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Sorry, for the closed eye picture mom!
The week of Spring break, I wanted to enjoy every minute. I wanted to really soak up a week free from errands, and really spend time entertaining kids.

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This little game ended surprisingly well.
The Children's museum had lots of special activities, and we went for the minute to win it games. You have a minute to complete different challenges, placing die on a tongue depressor while holding it in your mouth, stacking cans in a pyramid on a plate floating in water, picking up ziti on a spaghetti noodle while holding it in your mouth. There was a lot of rule bending, but Preston did amazing with the die!

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We also met some friends at a nearby little zoo. It is perfect for little legs with a petting zoo, that I am pretty sure could have been the only attraction there, and the kids would have been satisfied! Preston was very proud of petting and feeding the Yak, and couldn't wait for anyone to ask him about it.

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We rounded out the week with our own twist of a bunny cake.

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And Friday and Saturday the saying of the day was, "Let's dye some eggs!" Now sing that and jump around.

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Sunday, I rolled Preston up in his comforter at 5:30am and headed off for the sunrise service before we checked out the Easter bunny goodies. I want him to understand that Easter is more than some bunny that leaves prints on your floor and goodies in your living room, and a big lunch with family. I want both boys to know how lucky they are that we know about God and how much we are blessed by Him.

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This week though, both boys are suffering from viruses that are being passed around. Preston suffered from a really high fever that is lingering, and Grant has an ear infection and croup. Preston was really disappointed that he didn't get to go to preschool, but he has a Trike-A-Thon on Friday to look forward to.

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I am beginning to see these boys are becoming ingrained in each other. They are increasingly concerned with what the other is doing, and wanting to do the same thing. Preston is even eager to wear the same thing as his brother. Grant has always had an infatuation with his brother, but now it is being reciprocated. Grant is now getting to an age where they can play together. It is so exciting to see them run/crawl back to Preston's room, and then hear Preston telling Grant "the rules" of their game.

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There's no other love like the love for a brother.  There's no other love like the love from a brother.  ~Terri Guillemets

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