Monday, June 11, 2012


I was born to venture out, to explore, my parents raised me from one country to the other side of another country. I love to see new things, have new experiences. I want that for my own. I want them to always crave more, to look for new and better.

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So right before Preston graduated from Preschool, we set out on a mini adventure. Tent and all. We headed East to the beach. One day I will go West, but not this time. I packed us up with every camping essential I could think of, and even called a friend to borrow a canopy for reinforcement.

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We set out at noon, and Grant ate Pirate Booty for three hours with the exception of a 30 minute nap. That kid WILL NOT sleep in the car.

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We promptly set up the tent, and went to in search of a forgotten extension cord. We found one, and took the tent down even faster than it went up. I saw dark clouds and turned into a chicken. So we packed up and headed to a cabin. This all occurred over dinner time.

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We had a late dinner, even later showers, and then finally crashed in our cozy cabin at 10pm. And yes, I did all this on my own with two boys. They were surprisingly helpful, and cooperative.

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We woke up to severe downpours all night long. The cabin was the best decision. I don't think I have ever gone camping where it hasn't poured. I think the best memories though are the ones made when things go awry. There is a certain camping trip that I will never forget running from the mosquitoes.

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We decided to salvage our mini adventure with a trip to the Science Shark Museum. We saw lots of things, but the sharks were the best. And the Sting Rays. We patiently waited 30 minutes for one to be so kind to let Preston have a feel.

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We found sunny skies after the museum, so we sprinted for the beach. When I say sprint, I mean more of a slow crawl when you have a dog, stroller, and two kids in tow. We had a full 45 minutes of sun.

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We ate a quick lunch and hit the road and drove home in serious rain. Serious because you couldn't see with the wipers wide open.  The trip was short, crazy and not at all what we expected, but I still hear about our adventure and when are we going back. Even after a week at the beach.

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Who says rain ruins everything?

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