Monday, March 7, 2011

Closed Door Policy!

So, yesterday morning, I had a good laugh while in the rush to get out the door to church.  Typically, I am not allowed a private moment in the bathroom.  I don't know why this is.  I can go in any room in the house, and for the most part, no one cares.  The SECOND I walk in the bathroom, I hear little footprints stampeding towards the door.  It has gotten to the point that I rarely even bother with closing it behind me anymore.  There have been several occasions where we have had company, and I have been about to sit down, and realized I didn't close the door!  Opps- I will apologize if this ever does happen while you are here! 

Anyway, back to yesterday.  Normally while getting ready the door is wide open the entire time, shower and all.  I am not a fan of it, just the way things go around here.  I shower, get dressed, maybe slap on some make-up (I need to get better about that) and then dry my hair.  Within seconds of the hair dryer turning on, I hear the stampede, and the door slams shut.

For some reason yesterday it cracked me up!  Yesterday, just before slamming the door, he yells at me, "You're so loud!"  I hope everyone finds this as funny as me!  This from the pot that runs through the house screaming, and is always at a 10 instead of a nice inside 2.  It caused me to crack up!  I don't want to forget the crazy things he does, but I may start turning on the hair dryer every time I go in the bathroom....

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