Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today I am grateful.  The local radio station is doing a St. Jude Radiothon to raise money for a such a great organization.  Throughout the day they play inspirational songs, that have people talking about how they have benefited from St. Jude.  Some of the songs can be downright heartbreaking. 

It always causes me to pull my family a little closer, hug a little tighter.  I am so grateful that we have our health and we are well.  There are so many daily things that cause me to forget how lucky we are to have that.  It is such a basic gift that God has given us, and I don't thank him enough for it.  There are so many families suffering from cancer and its horrible affects, we aren't one of them, and I am so thankful.  My heart goes out to those who are. 

I get so wrapped up in everything else day to day that I hardly notice the bigger picture, and today driving home from preschool I was reminded.  Tears streaming down my face, I vowed to be more patient, to soak in the time I do have with my children.  I can so quickly get caught up in the frustrations of everyday life, and so I am going to start working on my patience, and not be so quick to give into that frustration.  I am lucky to have the opportunity to be frustrated.  So many parents are robbed of that too soon. 

Preston can be mind numbly slow.  Brandon and I always joke around that he has a double dose of "assing around."  He gets if from his Grandaddy, and Grammy.  They both have all the time in the world, especially when it comes to getting out the door.  He has all the time in the world for EVERYTHING.  It can make us crazy, but I am going to work on not letting my frustration of that escalate into yelling.  I will try and speed him along, but I will also know, that it is part of his personality.  His curiosity.  He is learning.  Right?

Today though, I will spend "one more minute" after stories in bed with Preston.  I will cuddle him a little longer.  I will (probably) eat a little healthier for the little brother.  I will make a hearty dinner for Brandon after his long day of taking pictures.  I will probably even make something with meat it in. Today (and hopefully many more) I will soak it all in, and work on being thankful and grateful for what we are blessed with. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree Brooke!!! I BAWLED like a baby hearing that going across the mtn today...... I tend to get wrapped up in David's issue's and forget there are MANY children out there with bigger problems. HUGS to you ;)


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