Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's in a Name?

We have finally begun work on the nursery.  Preston prefers to take all the credit.  He did a great job don't you think?!
I am hoping/praying/crossing my fingers that the chair rail goes up today, and that maybe, just maybe the person cutting out circles for me calls and tells me they are ready!  I am stressing about this room because I know what weekends I have available between now and June 5th and I know there is one.  Maybe two.  Next week we are off to the Homestead for Brandon's sales conference, and then there is April, that will be consumed with the consignment sale.  Once it is over, I will have two weeks before Operation Delivery begins.  I am determined to have this baby early, even if only by one day like his older brother. 

There is also the whole, find a name for this child that is the perfect name, that I will be happy with for the rest of his life, deal.  I would like to put his name on the wall in wooden letters, but I need one first.  Brandon and I are not on the same page when it comes to names.  We prefer completely different styles. I am working on acceptance, and trying to be open to his ideas. I admit this is a fault of mine.  I am pretty good about getting stuck on ideas, and not budging.  I blame my mom for this.  I am her daughter.

I am sure that we will figure it out, and find a perfect name, but in the meantime, I am going to continue to lay awake at night.  Mainly because I am reaching the point of no return- meaning I am just plain uncomfortable, no matter what.  I feel like this point came a lot later with Preston though.  I thought I didn't reach misery until the last month with him, does anyone remember?  I still have 12.5 weeks (yes, I have started counting!) It will be less than that though.  I WILL have this baby early, even if only by a day.  I have convinced myself that if I put that out there enough, it will happen! So keep your fingers crossed for me!

1 comment:

  1. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the room Brooke! It is beautiful!


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