Anyway, one of my favorite blogs challenged us to blog about five things, that we love and want more of, and five that we could use less of. I am going to get the bad out of the way. I am making them smaller to give them less importance...
I could definitely use less thirty to fourty degree days. Especially the ones with snow involved. I am SO ready for warmer days spent in the backyard.
I am done with all the whining. I could use some more of the kind that doesn't involve the letter H, but I have 10 more weeks before my sangria and I meet again! The kind that wears you down and causes you to give into things that you don't want to. It started as begging, and has turned to flat out whining. At first I thought his sweet little face, pleading "Please, please, PLEEEAASSSEE" was cute, now it has just gotten old. I admit, I shouldn't have laughed the first time...
I could use less sitting and more action. I mentioned breaking out a Prenatal Yoga DVD that I had yesterday and got shot down. I feel like I am packing on the pounds, and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't wait until the doctor gives me the all clear to have this kid, I will be walking all over town! Hopefully I can still walk at that point...
Laundry. 'nuff said.
Worry. I could do without some of this worry that I carry around. I worry so much about this baby. I constantly wonder if he is moving enough, is he facing the right way, will I make it to term (6 more weeks,) will we agree on a name, will I be able to breastfeed, will his brother hate me for bringing him home, we will ever get his room done? I could go on...
Now for the good stuff. My can't do withouts, what I want more, more, more of! Obviously, I want more 70 degree days. I would LOVE some 80 degree days. When we had a great warm week, I bought a pair of capris. They are still in the closet, yet to be worn. Maybe I will turn the heat up and walk around the house in them! Warm days seem to give me energy and the desire to do more. Even though I am not suppose to. Doing more at this point would mean propping my feet up in the backyard. At least it would be fresh air though. I love opening the windows in the spring, and letting out the staleness of winter. It is cleansing.
Manicures. Of course pedicures, too. I got my first pedicure of the season last week. I haven't gotten a manicure before, and it was wonderful. My fingernails look great. I got a bright turquoise on my toes, in honor of Spring. I played it safe with my fingers though, and now wish I had a bright pink. I will have to get another one when this one is done.
Swim lessons. Preston is taking swim lessons again this year. The difference this year is, he is LOVING them. He doesn't want to leave. He has one this afternoon. I love watching from the sidelines at how much he enjoys doing what he is asked. He really enjoys his teacher, and thinks it's funny that he knows two Brittany's. I will have to charge the camera and take some pictures today. I tried last week and realized the battery was dead.
Late night/early morning cuddles. Early this morning (just before 5am) Preston came over to tell me he was wet. So we went and changed his pull-up. Thank God I held out one more night, I almost suggested we try underwear last night. He has woken up dry for a week straight. It is rare that he wets a pull-up anymore. Anyway- there is something magical about cuddling with this little boy in the middle of the night. He squeezes right up to you, and puts both hands together like praying, and puts them between the pillow and his cheek, and he looks like an angel. It takes my breath away, and brings tears to my eyes. I could lay there and look at him for hours hoping to never forget those moments. There are nights that I am awake and can't sleep, and I want to go lay with him, but I am too afraid that it would wake him, and then I would be stuck when I am ready to go back to sleep!
Yes, I woke him to take these pictures...
So those are my fives. I have finally hit the 30 week point. For some reason I thought I would never get here, it always seemed so far away. I feel like I am in the the home stretch now. My doctors will give me permission to have this child in 6 weeks! I am sure that now that we have had our scare this baby has settled in and will stay put for 12 weeks. I am counting down the next six weeks though. It can't pass soon enough. Mainly because that will remove 90% of my worry. I will know that this baby won't have a long road ahead of him when he comes. That he will be big enough to hold his own. So, I am dilegently working on his room, as much as I can. What I am not able to do, Grandma has picked up the slack. Thank goodness she has helped as much as she has. Otherwise we might still have all the furniture in the middle of the room waiting for paint! All his clothes are clean and hung thanks to her, too! Now if we could just get some warm weather so that we can get the yard ready before this baby takes over...