What a great weekend! It was perfect! I got to see my younger sister, who got great news literally minutes after I arrived... I am going with that I am their good luck! I ate mexican Friday night at the fancy mexican restaurant that they have by them. Best part? No heartburn from it! I might need another one of those extra large burritos again soon. Wonder if she will bring me one when she comes home this weekend...
We had great weather Saturday for VT's Spring game and festival. Preston loved the festival, and had a great time. Even said that he had a great, really big day! While sitting in the tub after a long ride home he told me that there wasn't any parts of the day he didn't like. I felt like high-fiving myself. He is going through a very moody phase, and I don't recall him pouting at all until we had been in the car for close to two hours and no nap.
The Spring festival is a new must for us. It was ridicuously hot, but we got to see the Hokie Bird, and the Hokie Warriors. Some kids that took a bunch of random items and made costumes that look a lot like robots. Then there was the Easter egg hunt... Not sure that we will try to do that again, as I feared that we might lose our child, but Preston managed to come away with one egg. After the eggs were all gone (in seriously 30 seconds) I paused and looked around at the chaos. I noticed several kids crying looking for their parents. It scared the daylights out of me, and I wanted to help them, but at the same time, I was running to keep up with my three year old. Preston was happy with his lone egg and the Jolly Rancher and Chewy candy that it held.
He is such a trooper. We were on our feet and going from 11am until well after 3pm in the hot sun. He didn't whine or complain until he got hungry at sometime after 3:00. So we got to see the new quarterback for a little, climb a thousand stairs, get slightly sunburned, and figure out that will cause me to start labor again! Once the belly started acting up, we hightailed out of there, and everything managed to settle once I cooled off. I know what I am doing in two weeks though. Finding a large amount of stairs and the hot sun. maybe I should be a good wife though and wait until the day before Brandon's birthday... We'll see how miserable I am!
I will say though that if anyone goes to Blacksburg, and they run across my ankles, I am missing them dearly, and could they please bring them home. I am not a fan of the cankles that I somehow swapped them out for. Thank you!

Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Bunny Hop
We are starting the morning with the bunny hop. I wish he would let me take his picture. One of the ears on the bunny headband has lost it's footing and is flopping. I told Preston it added character when he whined about them not working.
We had a quiet weekend, other than a quick party at Pump It Up, we didn't leave the house. It was nice to be still. It felt like we didn't accomplish much, but now that I think about it, we got a lot done.
We weeded one of the flower beds. I say we, when it was really Brandon slaving over the weeds, and Preston and I did our best to distract. I think he even said that he attempted at planting grass in all the dead spots. Our yard is the white trash of the neighborhood. It doesn't help that our neighbors keep theirs immaculate, making ours look that much worse! I feel bad that I am not able to help out at all because I know Brandon is worn out from all the extra work inside and out.
Saturday was a day of rain and rest. Forced R&R. There were terrible storms that were laced with tornado warnings. I saw on the news this morning that they did confirm a tornado south of us! Preston slept through the worst of it. Yes, I said slept! The child took a NAP!!!! I don't know how it happened because I was asleep myself, Brandon must have the magic touch! He did it again on Sunday... Not sure what is happening around here, but two days in a row is huge!
Back to our accomplishments, we were lazy as they come. We skipped bath Friday night because we were too busy with friends until after bedtime. So we started the day with a bath. I think this child will go to high school taking baths. He is certain that he hates a shower. Pretty sure he has only tried it once, but he is sure. While he swam in the tub, I managed to get up the wooden circles in the nursery! I love them! It is exactly what I expected!
The biggest accomplishment of the day though was, we FINALLY decided on a name! Drum roll, please!!! We are going with Grant Richard. We broke the news to Preston, and his response? Nothing short of disappointment. I think the words were "No, I don't like Grant." It has started. His protest to this baby. He informed us that he preferred Thomas. Then William. Then Preston 2. He has no real reason for not liking Grant, just doesn't. Hope he gets over it, we had a hard enough time getting to Grant.
As for Sunday, we made it to church, almost on time. A birthday party, almost on time, and then home for naps. I did find the energy to pack up the china cabinet so it can be taken in to have the glass replaced that was sacrificed in a moment of growing independence several weeks ago. I didn't realize how many wine glasses I had. I have my favorites, and made sure to wrap those very carefully. So help me if I ever have to do it again for number two.
So maybe we did get a lot done this weekend. Maybe we will get ready in time for this little brother, Grant. Baby steps. We are down to three weeks until operation delivery begins. I have been eyeing the exercise ball in the basement. I should probably find some time to clean up the strollers, so in three weeks, I can push Preston all over Broadway. I still need a few things in the nursery, but they are on their way.
Finishing this post with some T-Ball pictures. Had nothing to do with this weekend, but I had to add them.
We had a quiet weekend, other than a quick party at Pump It Up, we didn't leave the house. It was nice to be still. It felt like we didn't accomplish much, but now that I think about it, we got a lot done.
We weeded one of the flower beds. I say we, when it was really Brandon slaving over the weeds, and Preston and I did our best to distract. I think he even said that he attempted at planting grass in all the dead spots. Our yard is the white trash of the neighborhood. It doesn't help that our neighbors keep theirs immaculate, making ours look that much worse! I feel bad that I am not able to help out at all because I know Brandon is worn out from all the extra work inside and out.
Saturday was a day of rain and rest. Forced R&R. There were terrible storms that were laced with tornado warnings. I saw on the news this morning that they did confirm a tornado south of us! Preston slept through the worst of it. Yes, I said slept! The child took a NAP!!!! I don't know how it happened because I was asleep myself, Brandon must have the magic touch! He did it again on Sunday... Not sure what is happening around here, but two days in a row is huge!
Back to our accomplishments, we were lazy as they come. We skipped bath Friday night because we were too busy with friends until after bedtime. So we started the day with a bath. I think this child will go to high school taking baths. He is certain that he hates a shower. Pretty sure he has only tried it once, but he is sure. While he swam in the tub, I managed to get up the wooden circles in the nursery! I love them! It is exactly what I expected!
The biggest accomplishment of the day though was, we FINALLY decided on a name! Drum roll, please!!! We are going with Grant Richard. We broke the news to Preston, and his response? Nothing short of disappointment. I think the words were "No, I don't like Grant." It has started. His protest to this baby. He informed us that he preferred Thomas. Then William. Then Preston 2. He has no real reason for not liking Grant, just doesn't. Hope he gets over it, we had a hard enough time getting to Grant.
As for Sunday, we made it to church, almost on time. A birthday party, almost on time, and then home for naps. I did find the energy to pack up the china cabinet so it can be taken in to have the glass replaced that was sacrificed in a moment of growing independence several weeks ago. I didn't realize how many wine glasses I had. I have my favorites, and made sure to wrap those very carefully. So help me if I ever have to do it again for number two.
So maybe we did get a lot done this weekend. Maybe we will get ready in time for this little brother, Grant. Baby steps. We are down to three weeks until operation delivery begins. I have been eyeing the exercise ball in the basement. I should probably find some time to clean up the strollers, so in three weeks, I can push Preston all over Broadway. I still need a few things in the nursery, but they are on their way.
Finishing this post with some T-Ball pictures. Had nothing to do with this weekend, but I had to add them.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Picnic Lunches
SO... I am a procrastinator, and typed this MUCH earlier in the week, and just uploaded pictures, so it is a little outdated, but I already had it written, so here it is! 
Summer came for a visit yesterday, and it was lovely. Preston and I dressed in shorts, opened the windows, and did not set foot in the house until well after one o'clock. It was heavenly. The breeze was soothing and warm. He worked hard on dumping out sand that we just refilled in the turtle. I worked on my tan. At some point he decided that he wanted to have Stud Lee take a bath with him, so he went out and started digging under the swing set, and dumped it on the back of the poor dog. Preston is crazy enough in the bath, don't think I will add the dog to the mix.
We even had a picnic for lunch. Preston even wanted to eat early so that he could have a picnic. He spent most of lunch pointing out all the spots where "those crazy birds" pooped on his table. He did eat though without having to be begged or pleaded with. I swear this kid is going through another growth spurt because he ate well at lunch after having two breakfasts.
Then we topped the day off with swim lessons and T-Ball practice. Swim lessons went a lot smoother than T-Ball, simply for the fact that by the time we got there he was spent. The poor guy had a BIG day. That much fresh air and activity would wear out anyone. He only has one more swim lesson to go, and I am a little sad for him because he has loved it so much. He really loves playing in the water, and he even went under for the first time yesterday. He had his ears completely in! He has been putting his face in like he has done it all his life, but never just gone straight down. His teacher asked him to touch the bottom, not sure if he made it, but he came back up sputtering.
We hightailed it home and encouraged vegging out in front of the tube, otherwise he would had been out running around, and wearing himself out completely before melting at practice. He did great for 90% of practice, but by the end he was a zombie. He couldn't even focus on the pitcher while batting. He is such a trooper, and I can't wait to see him on a day when he isn't beat.
I just wish this kid would nap more so he isn't so tired on days like yesterday. I almost felt guilty sending him to preschool this morning. He melted twice before I got out the door because another kid knocked over the tower of blocks he built. I know part of it was that he had spring break last week and is out of his routine, but man, I felt like a meanie leaving him to figure it out!
It will be good to get back into routines though. He does best with routines. I am just so glad that the warm weather is coming back, slowly, but surely. This has felt like such a long winter. We need some good outdoor time.
Bet you can't find him! |
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