Friday, August 30, 2013

First grade and growth

I have started writing about Preston starting first grade (!!!) several times. Every time it has started differently. I just haven't had clarity because I have been getting information from the eyes and ears of a six year old. Little foggy.

Preston was indifferent about the start of school. He looked forward to seeing friends and making new friends. He looked forward to lunch and recess. We had discussed how different first grade would be and how exciting it would be to see all the new things he would learn. He wasn't thrilled at the idea of being behind a desk all day.

The first few weeks have been a bit stressful for my boy. I hate it. He is on edge, defensive, and short tempered. He is far from relaxed and happy. So I am feeling a lot of the same. I just want to scoop my boy up and make it all better. I know he needs to grow, though. I know he needs to learn how to adjust.

I know he needs this year to prepare him for teachers that won't accept sloppy handwriting, or bosses that don't allow mistakes. I just hate this lesson.

We have tried so hard to always make sure that he was surrounded by love and warmth and happiness. We have wanted nothing but happiness and comfort for him.

I know with loss of comfort comes with growth and strength, so I am holding back. Letting him experience this challenge. I will do my very best to make sure that he knows that we are here for him, but I will also let him find his own way.

This, too, shall pass, and it's all a phase. Right?

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