Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The last two weeks have been packed full. It has me appreciating days like this:

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Once we dig out from under out mountains of laundry sorted in the kitchen (it seemed like a good idea at the time) we will probably venture out more, but for now, I am reliving the last two weeks. Some of the memories are through mosquito bites that seem to never end.

We started our two week adventures visiting my cousin, aunt and uncle. All of my extended family is in Ohio, so we go every summer and spend a week hopping around the state. They have always had an open door to me, and have been my only connection to my dad's family for years. My uncle actually stepped in for the father/daughter dance at my wedding.

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My cousin was kind enough to let us invade for two days, and for only seeing each other once a year for a couple days, the kids were very patient with each other and got along very well. Lauren is such a sweet girl to let us use her room when we come!

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They took us to COSI, a science museum in downtown Columbus, and it was three floors of pure fun learning. I would love to have a great science museum so close! The kids and the adults were beat by the time we were done, so we rewarded ourselves with ice cream.

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The myth buster's truck, not sure if you are allowed to climb on it, but I have 2 boys...
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Preston loves to explore their yard because they are in woods, so there are tons of creatures running wild and lots to explore.

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We packed up on Tuesday and headed straight to my Grandma's to see her. By the time we got there she was in bed, so we met my Aunt Janie, cousin Jake, and his daughter Alanna. We had dinner at the pizza place near them, and took the extras back to our hotel with us and crashed. Side note- I don't think Preston fell asleep before 9:30 all week!

We got up the next day and decided that we would head to my Grandma's nursing home and hang out and entertain her. The boy's definitely put on a show for her, we brought some toys, and sidewalk chalk. She requested that I draw some flowers, so I lined the sidewalk for her. Preston found a grasshopper, and was so happy to impart some bug knowledge to her.

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We checked out the Cleveland Zoo the next day. While we were in Cleveland I wanted to go see the house that my grandparents owned. I couldn't believe that the new owner hadn't changed a thing, and it looked exactly the same. He wasn't home, but the neighbors still lived there and they let me take the boys down to the creek (pronounced: crick) and show them where my cousins and I used to spend days at a time building forts and making up games. I have so many memories at that house, I could write a whole post. If I could collect houses...

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We spent most of the day trying to find our way around the zoo (there is one huge hill) and called it a day after we finally found the gorillas. 

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We had dinner (and a cold swim) at my Uncle Bill's. I haven't seen them in close to 15 years, but managed to track down an e-mail address earlier in the week, and got in touch with them, so we had a last minute visit. It turned out that my cousin was playing for the county baseball league, and we made plans to see him play once we got home. It was good to reconnect with another side of my dad's family.

We spent our last day visiting with my Grandma some more. It turned out that an Aunt and Uncle that live in ID were also visiting that weekend, so we got to spend a couple hours talking to them. We decided that next year we would try and plan a better family reunion and maybe invite more of the fam dam!

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Proof that I was there!

Next up- the beach!

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