Grant had a nine month check up, and we were told we actually have a 13 month old. I was really sure I had my math right when I walked in the door, no wonder the time has felt like it has gone by faster with him. The poor child is so stubborn and determined not to fend for himself and still refuses to crawl. His mode of transportation is rolling, or screaming at us until we bring him things.

Preston is racing to Kindergarten at alarming speed. He is in the beginning stages of reading, he can sound out any word (so spelling is going to quickly come to an end for us) and he has 30-some sight words memorized. Amazes me at his ability to soak up knowledge.

Last night we went to Pump It Up for a Super Hero Training Camp. It was the most fun I have had watching him in a while! He was so engaged and loved the entire party. They played games like "Kryptonite ball" AKA dodge ball, pitting the parents against the kids. My little super hero got me out, and was so proud of that.

I have spent a lot of time working on focusing on the kids, but I have also accomplished something I haven't done since I met Brandon. I ran FIVE MILES! It has been so long since I have run that far, and I am so proud of it. My mom signed me up for a 6K at the end of March, and when she first brought it up, I have to say, I didn't think it would happen. Last week though, I easily ran four, and yesterday did five. I am so glad that she put that goal in front of me!

Hope you enjoy this day as much as Grant!

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