Monday, June 10, 2013

One down, 12 to go!

It is officially summer vacation around here, but the rain started on the last day of school and hasn't let up since... We had our water balloon fight on the last day of school in the rain. I used warm water, so the balloons were welcome!

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Preston has grown up so much this year. He has gained lots of new friends, new phrases, reads like a pro, writes his own books, and has navigated through the first year of school. There have been challenges in finding out that friends aren't always right and that sometimes you need to lead by example. We have encouraged friendships of kids that need some friends.

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Our boy grew so much this year and has matured so much. He will now wear a shirt that has something other than a superhero on it. He has moved onto Star Wars and camouflage.

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Meet Humphrey the Hamster, a project from school this year!

He is still happy to entertain himself, but loves the company of his brother, even if Grant doesn't do exactly what he wants.

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He has really grown and come out of his shell with the help of Karate. He is still shy at times, but he is beginning to speak up as well. He volunteers every lesson to go to the front of class and lead them in their opening. He has earned his orange belt and now wants a karate party.

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I can't put my finger on exactly how he has changed, but he is not the same little boy that wanted to be a boxer on the first day. Now we have moved on to either ninja or soldier depending on whether he has just left Karate. He has matured, and grown this year. He has made us so proud of all his accomplishments, and tough lessons.

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We are looking forward to a summer filled with pool trips, a zoo visit, hopefully another trip to the water, Jedi training, and lazy summer days! First grade can wait, I have been looking forward to time with my boy.

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