Monday, April 22, 2013


Warm weather has arrived. As I type this though a cold front stormed in last night and we are back to the 60s for the next couple of days. I feel like every March I go stir crazy willing warm weather to come and then we are suddenly blessed with 80s, and partially end up skipping Spring heading straight into summer.
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We have already had many trips to the park and ice cream for dinner. We have the best park in town and Preston has made it tradition that when we go to the park in the afternoon, we have dinner at a frozen yogurt bar. Who am I to say no to that?

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We got cheated on Spring Break, though. We had big plans to take a quick trip to the beach with another mommy friend and her three kids. The two moms were going to be out numbered! Preston caught a bug that was going around and got sick early in the morning before we were suppose to leave. Darn. He was so disappointed, he even offered to just throw up in the sand and bury it. We made plans to go in the summer, when we have more time and definitely warm weather.

Spring 2013 photo IMG_0405.jpg

We missed out on any fun through Christmas break, as well. We all were sick for that one. So I am counting the days until Summer break and having Preston home and being able enjoy time with him. I think he is ready for some serious down time, too. He really seems sick of getting up and rushing out the door. He is a slow riser and used to love waking up really slow. He misses that. I do, too.

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Memorial Weekend will give us a better taste of Summer. We are going to visit Grandma & Granddaddy at their beach vacation. We are going to miss some school days, but we aren't going for perfect attendance. We will shoot for average, prefect is just too much expectation when it comes to your kids.

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We had a really busy week last week, as I tried out single momming it for five days, but I am still feeling in a bit of a fog from the five days alone with the kids. I will say though, that military wives should receive vouchers for free beer. Or nannies. They earn all of it.
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This picture cracks me up, he was feeling left out of Preston and Dad's fishing.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ramblings of the sick

This week Grant has been sick. If you know Grant, you know that this has caused major disruptions. He is the most high maintenance sick child since the beginning of sickness. He doesn't mess around. He is pure misery and yells about his NOSE at least every 20 minutes. I made a game of it and started pretending to take off his nose. Then I heard more about his NOSE! At night he is awake at least once an hour. For the most part he just needs you to lay him back down and cover him back up. He does like to snuggle at least twice a night though for no less than 20 minutes. So you do the math on the amount of sleep and patience there is in this house right now. He finally broke me on Thursday and I took him to the doctor. Go figure, he has another ear infection. He can't just get a cold like regular people, has to get the ear infection, too!

In the mist of our Zombie fest week, we had all our normal activities to keep up with. Preston has been taking Karate for about a month now. He really seems to enjoy it, and the instructors are working on bringing him out of his shell. It will be a process, but he loves thinking he is a ninja.

Thankfully, there were no Wednesday night church activities, so we had a minute to dye eggs for Easter. Grant crashed by 7, so he didn't get to help. Preston had a great time with the shaving cream and food coloring.

He even decided to give himself a mustache with the shaving cream. Thankfully, though, his lip is no longer green.

Yesterday was absolute craziness and if Brandon's parents hadn't been around to help, I am sure that each of us would have had a meltdown by the end of the day. It was my Thursday to work, so I jumped up at 6am, and headed out, so that I could be done early, and get back to get Grant back to the doctor. Linda saved me and picked Preston up from school. By the time Grant and I got home, the bus was leaving the neighborhood. They were going to take Preston to Karate, and then we would meet them for Dairy Queen. I was so glad to have a minute to sit down and not be running somewhere. Preston decided he wanted to play with Grandma, so they skipped Karate and just went to dinner.

By the time they got home, I was able to have Grant bathed and ready for bed. After Bob and Linda left Preston remembered that his school was having a special night based on a book the whole school had ready. Of course, this occurs to him as I am getting ready to walk Grant into bed. Against my better judgment, we went and Preston was happy to be there. He did a couple crafts and we called it a night. Grant even got to sit with a giant hamster.

Brandon and I both have colds now, but Grant is sleeping more, so we are sleeping more, and hopefully we can all recover!
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