Grant is all kinds of busy and a little crazy. He is becoming so much his own person with his own opinions. The kid very much wants to turn into his brother, but at the same time, wants to find his own place. He adores Preston and that only goes so far with the older brother. Preston will tolerate a younger playmate for only so long. Grant thinks he knows how to play big kid games, and he definitely just mainly acts like Godzilla. It can be frustrating for a big brother.

He is starting to figure out the whole language thing, too. His word of choice is "BOP." It means up, go, out, shoes, dog, etc. He also uses "MOM," a lot. Everyone is mom, and more is mom. I have finally got him nodding instead of just shaking, but you have to nod first, and then he has a full range of motion nod. To say yes, he just opens and closes his mouth with absolutely no sound. All the other words, noises that he makes are at a ten. Never a two. He also gets that from Preston. I have decided that we are just going to be a loud family. Sigh.

He can be very dramatic when things don't go his way. You and anyone within range is going to know that he is not pleased with whatever is happening. He is strangely tough, though, and needs little comfort or cuddles when he gets hurt. A quick kiss will do him.
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This is actually him just wanting more food in his mouth, not screaming. |
He is learning to play by himself, as a good bit of his days, he no longer has a boss. He isn't much on toys, but loves pulling out all the drawers in the kitchen and then randomly selecting one and pulling something out. Mind you he isn't tall enough yet to see what he is grabbing and then running with. Can be a very dangerous game. He is starting to favor the silverware and pot holder drawer most.

It is amazing how fast the second child grows compared to the first. Even though I have had more time with Grant (I was still working at this age with Preston) I feel like the time has passed faster. Funny how that happens.
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Playing in the rain. |