Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where it all began

I have been MIA, it is still the battery issue. It has gotten so bad that I haven't uploaded pictures in a month. And there are 370. The battery will probably die before they all upload. Love it! It is now a debate as to whether to buy a new battery and portable hard drive or a new desktop.

I have a lot to catch up on, but I will start with the surprise trip to where all this started. At the end of September, managed to surprise everyone with a long weekend to show Preston where we were married. He had been asking us a lot about what it was like, who was there, etc. So I made plans and secretly packed us up! I even managed to get in touch with our wedding photographer to take some pictures for us, look for your Christmas card!
Our dune

Brandon was definitely surprised when we picked him up at work 10 minutes after he got there. Being totally honest, he wasn't excited and didn't say much for the first 30 minutes, then he figured out where we were going and got on board. The kids were angels on the ride down and we only stopped 3 times!

As soon as we got settled we went straight down to the beach and showed Preston the dune that we got married in front of. I was halfway expecting the dune to be gone because there have been so many hurricanes in the past five years. Everything was exactly the same, so beautiful. The water was so warm and felt like bath water, even at the end of September!

We lucked out and had a beautiful day on the beach. The weather was great, but there was a really strong wind. I managed to get some sun. We took Preston on the shortest/longest walk on the beach ever. He could spend hours just digging holes and burying shells. Grant was an angel and took a nap in our little umbrella tent.

We spent the weekend visiting places that we used to always visit. Our college student waiter at Cap'n Bill must have graduated and have a real job. Preston was amazed with the volleyball courts at a restaurant, and the fried pickles were still really good. We told Preston the story about driving down three days before the wedding on Brandon's birthday, and how we used to always go eat there when the Hokies where playing and we couldn't watch the games at Aunt B's house.

My lottery house

We took Preston downtown and I started my "let's move" campaign. Wilmington has such a community atmosphere, and I would pick up and go the second Brandon agreed. We just missed the farmer's market, but we did catch a horse tour ride through the downtown. I love the history that town boasts. The estate houses that over look the Cape Fear river are amazing, and if we ever win the lottery, one of them has my name on it!

The weekend went by too quickly and hopefully we won't wait another five years to get back there. It feels like home and hopefully one day it will be! Even if we only have a part-time home there!

I have always loved this "half house," and leaving always brings tears.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Half a year

I know I have been MIA, but the last six months have been crazy, hectic, busy and beautiful. We have been here, there, and everywhere, and Grant has been with us for half a year. It is hard to believe. So much has happened, but at the same time, so little has gotten accomplished.

Grant has definitely ruled the roost in his short little six months. He is opinionated and demanding. He is a cuddler to the core, and always wants to be touched. He has taught me that I can survive on very little sleep, and that I can get things done with a baby attached to my hip.

He adores his brother, and I know that once he gets on the move I will no longer have my beloved cling-on, and that Preston will need to learn to do things with a baby attached to him. I love the love that these boys have for each other. They have their moments, when roaring can scare a baby, but they gravitate to each other.

It feels like yesterday that Preston came strutting into my hospital room and climbed right up in bed with me to meet his brother, arms full with two stuffed doggies. I look at the pictures from that day and can't believe how young my big boy looks. He has grown as well. If you measure his height, he has gained an inch, but in lessons learned, they are immeasurable. I was so worried that I was ruining his life the night I spent laboring in the hospital by bringing another life into ours, but it has been all good. He is so happy with his "Brother McGee."

I can't believe we are halfway to one, these next six months are going to be so much fun, and I am going to drink them in.
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