Monday, August 30, 2010

Let's Go... HOKIES!

We had a very busy weekend, my sister is in town, so we spent most of it at my mom's.  She is currently stationed on the USS Lincoln, and so when she comes home, we drop everything to spend some time with her.  We made the hour trek over the mountains and through the woods to her house Friday evening.  Preston got out the four wheeler, and made endless laps around a flower bed in Mom's front yard.  I think he thought he was a Nascar driver, he spent at least 20 minutes draining the battery around the shrubs! 

Preston snuck down on the field for a picture!
Saturday, we got up bright and early to head down to Blacksburg.  Preston became a member of the Hokies Kids Club, and they have special events all year for the kids.  Saturday was an opportunity to meet all the players, and the Hokie Bird.  Preston had been talking about the Hokie Bird all week, and was very excited!  He was so cute, when it was his turn to take his picture.  He ran up and gave him a five, and held his hand while they posed for a picture.  After the picture, everyone is then corralled into metal barricades to wait for the players to come out to their tables. 

Preston giving JuJu Clayton a "Low Five!"
Brandon and I planned to get in separate lines, so that we have a chance to get Tyrod Taylor's and Ryan Wilson's autographs.  Preston and I went to Ryan Wilson's table, and Preston wouldn't go within 10 feet of him.  He has a head full of dread locks, and is a big guy, and it must have really intimidated him! Once we got his signature, started heading over to where daddy was waiting in Tyrod's line.  On the way we saw, Danny Coale, and got his autograph because Preston really liked him last year.  Not sure why he picked him out, but he always talked about him.  Once we go to where Brandon was, it was our turn to get Tyrod's signature, and Preston at least posed for a picture with him, warming up to the idea. We saw a lot of other players, and got to talk to a lot of them.  They were all very nice, and seemed to really enjoy talking to the kids.  On our way out of the breezeway where all the players where, we ran into the Hokie Bird again, and Preston was in Heaven!  He was so excited, he had the Hokie bird sign his football, and I think he was most excited about that signature!  He loves the Hokie Bird!

After we left the stadium, we went to lunch with Auntie, and Jason, and then drove to Natural Bridge.  Preston and I then got in the car with Auntie and Jason and Brandon went to his granddad's to help out.  Preston and I went with Grammy and Dale to a pig roast, and he danced his little heart out with Callie Jo, one of Dale's great-nieces. 

We had a very busy weekend, but lots of fun, it was good to get home on Sunday, and take a big family nap! 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where has the summer gone??

Oh, how I dread the cold days ahead!  I hate being cooped up in the house with the same four walls for weeks on end!  I swear Preston isn't a fan either because he LOVES to play outside all day.  He looks forward to heading down to the garden everyday and seeing what is ready to be pick, and what we will make with it!  I love that he looks forward to fresh veggies!  Today we found a lot of tomatoes, and he stated like such an adult "Mom, you are going to have to get busy and make salsa." Gee, thanks for keeping me in line, buddy!  Instead we came inside, saw that the play dough had gotten "old" and made some new bright green play dough. He thought it was great to dump all the ingredients in the pan, and then watch it cook.  He was so surprised at the end that we had made play dough. 

The end of summer hit me like a smack in the face when we passed all the county school buses Tuesday morning on our way to take Preston to his first day of Preschool. I am sure that I was more nervous than him, and he had no issue waving by, and running over to the rug to play.  As we got back in the car, I looked at Brandon and worried, "I don't think he really understood that we were leaving him, should we peek back in to make sure he hasn't freaked?"  He laughed at me and told me that he needed to get to work, and that the teachers had been doing this a long time (12 years, I paid attention at the 2 hour orientation.) When I picked him up, he was sitting on the rug following the pick up rule (I KNOW- my kid- following the rules!!!) He jumped up and my heart melted as he ran over and wanted to show me everything he did!  They made the cutest little rockets with their pictures in the window.  My little monkey has grown up into a little boy... I am doing my best to hold it together and be just as excited as he is.  He was so proud to stand in front of the door for a picture (yeah, I am that mom, and he is used to it!)

I am sad to see the summer go, but I am excited for all the new things he will get to do this year, and all the friends he will make.  I just hope that mommy stays number one!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wow... Just went blank!

So... I am terrible with baby books, and scrap booking, or anything related to documenting my child and his life.  Maybe I will be better about it if it is easier to do.  We shall see.  This just seems so easy, maybe too easy... Hopefully I will keep this up, and then everyone will be able to keep up with us!

Today was a busy day full of the never ending pile of laundry, games, secret houses and the pool!  Preston LOVES building secret houses, and would spend his days doing that.  I found a couple of play tents in the beginning of summer, and they have been great.  Saves me lots time from building and rebuilding secrets houses made out of couch cushions and blankets! 

The pool was great today, we spent lots of time jumping in and practicing paddling.  Preston really enjoys playing with his Buzz and Woody in the little pool.  The sun and water really wear him out, and he was so sleepy by the time we got home he was pooped, and went straight to bed! 

He woke up super cuddly, and I love when he is like that!  Especially when I have the time to sit and cuddle with him.  Most mornings are so hectic that I don't get to cuddle, and he rarely likes to after naps.  He can be so sweet in the mornings, and some days I feel like I have a teenager already.  He really likes to sleep in, so preschool may come as a shock to him! 

His first day of preschool is Tuesday, and I am probably more nervous than him.  He still thinks that he is going to be riding a bus, but today at dinner he told me he didn't want me to leave him at school, he said that I should stay with him!  Some days I worry that we are rushing him, but at the end of the day, I know he needs a different atmosphere of structure and hearing directions from someone other than me. 

I am going to miss these days where he loves his mommy, and I am the greatest.  These years go way too fast, and I know every parent out there tries to slow them down.  I am so thankful that I do get to spend my days with him!
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