Monday, July 11, 2011

Catching up... July 4th

I look forward to the Fourth of July every year. It is by far my favorite holiday. I love the sweltering heat, and the festive attitude everyone carries. I try to do it all, the cookouts, the parades, the fireworks, so that I will have enough to last me until the next one...

We rolled out of our driveway at 8am, just like planned. I don't know that, that has ever happened. Ever. We headed south to the bustling downtown of Staunton after meeting the Higgs and showing them the way. We set off for the park with two double jogging strollers, lots of chairs, two blankets and I don't know how many diapers. We got to the park at 9am, and I couldn't believe how many people had already staked out their spot. The parade didn't start until 10am... I thought we would be the hard core ones... We sent the guys back to the car for the umbrella so that we would have shade for the littles.

No, they didn't ride like that, just for a picture!

Preston and Adam had a great time watching the bazillion different cars and the 10 floats and were glad when the fire trucks finally strolled by. The parade cracks me up every year because there is always a few people that feel their 88 Ford Escort is worthy. Whatev.

This little dog took a nip at his finger later, I think he had had enough!

After the parade we did the traditional lunch so the kids will sleep on the way home (didn't happen.) Everywhere we tried was closed, so we ended up at Applebee's and because everyone was doing the same thing, we spent a solid two hours there, but man, did that Feista Roll Up hit the spot!

Preston finally gave into sleep and stayed in slumber land until after 5pm.  We got dinner and started over to New Market even though it was drizzling. We were really hoping it would let up and blow over. This is how we spent our time at the park.

It reminded me of a tent city... It was comical, and we finally gave in and made a run for it to the car and watched from the comfort of our windshields. Next year, next year! Can't wait because then I will have two little boys running around!

1 comment:

  1. wasn't the rain AWESOME (note the sarcasm?) LOL!


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