Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So I have been rolling this post around in my head for several days because I can't come up with the words to make it flow. I have started several times, but gotten nowhere fast. We went to Lake Laura over the weekend to enjoy some quiet family time. It was pretty darn serene. Peaceful with a side of squealing kids.

Yes, I am fully aware that these are the ugliest "ko-nails" ever.
 It was also strange how every one's conversations echoed just so that you could hear everyone with perfect clarity. I over heard two ladies chatting about the involvement people have in their children's lives. Well, really it was one lady, and the other was just listening.

The main talker was saying that people are too involved in their children's lives, they are too overbearing. That parents no longer allow their children to learn and grow for themselves. I was with her at this point.

Then she went too far. She said that it is just too much when parents get involved and become classroom moms, and volunteer coaches and Sunday school teachers. She hit a nerve, we are all of those things to our kids.

These days I believe that you need to build a firm foundation of closeness and togetherness when we are truly less connected then ever. It has become all too easy to connect with one another through facebook, texts, e-mail. Some would argue that this has connected everyone more. And yes, it has helped me reconnect with some friends from High School, but does it really help me connect with my family? I don't think so.

Even baby took a nap.
I believe family connections are made in the fun and the tough moments. I can remember a camping trip from before Brandon and I were engaged that we made with my mom and sisters like it was yesterday. We look back at that trip and still laugh like crazy because it was so hot and miserable and the mosquitos were lethal. We talk about that trip all the time though. We all learned something about ourselves and each other that week.

I believe that kids need a strong sense of connection to their parents in this age so that they feel safe and that there is trust at home. I want my kids to come to me and know that no matter what has happened I am going to be there for them helping them grow and learn from whatever it is.

This woman continued to say how parents hover too much, and don't give their kids space. I agree that kids do need to have space to make mistakes to learn from, but they also need a strong base to return to when things go awry. At this point I looked over to see who thought we should all have her opinion and lets just say that between her cigarettes and dyed maroon hair she probably just doesn't have the time to be very involved.

So I picked up my little and went down to my big boys and hoovered for her benefit. So there.

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