Preston was all for it. Grant could have gone either way. Go figure. Preston, I am pretty sure, thought all cherries come on top of ice cream or in Grandma's fruit salad. I think it was quite a surprise for him to find them on trees with "seeds, not pits, mommy."
It started out exciting. Then it took us a lunch break with Grammy and a fifteen minute drive on a dirt road to what seemed like no where to get us to another mile long dirt road that we finally arrived. Both boys were asleep. Score for Grant, boo for Preston. As soon as the car stopped he woke up and started whining. Life was awful.
I got Grant in his wrap, and Preston on board to pick cherries. We were directed to some trees that had cherries. Not before passing the portapotties (with the promise to use them later, yea!) and this:
It makes me wonder about my story, and what people will think of mine. I am still working on it and will get back to you.
Cherry picking included a few other mishaps, that included large clouds of gnats, me running down a hill, and of course, the portapotties. I don't know that we will make it back next year. I don't know that I could do that again...
Last night, Preston and I had a much needed date. He was an only child again for a few hours. It was cute in the shy way that he saddled up to the grill at Kyoto's. He tried to act very grown up and ordered his own drink and meal. He weighed his options for drinks, and then again when I read him the menu. He sat very tall in his booster seat and very carefully scooped the rice into his mouth with chop sticks. I was worried about the chop sticks and the mess, but he was surprisingly careful.
All he wanted to do on our date was go to Target and pick a toy and bring it home. I convinced him that since his birthday is in two weeks, that we could go scope out the toys and he could show me some things that he may want for his birthday. He found a bat cave... and fell in love. Brandon will have to sneak over there in the next two weeks. We also talked about how with a birthday coming, we probably need to weed out some toys to pass onto another little boy. He thought his brother would be a good one to give them to. Smart guy, he is. He wasn't a huge fan of the idea, but we will get there in the next two weeks, Grant willing.
I am looking forward to taking my first baby to Dutch Wonderland for his birfday, as he calls it. I am nervous about holding it together as we sing and blow out candles. I know I have dwelled on how fast time flies too much, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how he has gone from this:
To this:
In such a short time. We will have to make it a date once a month.
Side note- He is full on super hero now. He got a summer haircut and "order" a Super Man haircut, and was impressed when the lady told him that she just did a batman cut the week before!
He is growing into a wonderful young man and a wonderful big brother!!!